A Proven Drug-Free System For Eliminating Heartburn In Record Time

The Heartburn No More Program

The Heartburn No More Program

  • Clinically proven 5-step heartburn relief system (page 62)
  • What natural supplement to take on a daily basis to stop heartburn in a matter of days (page 100)
  • Discover an all-natural remedy to rapidly reduce gullet inflammation (page 68)
  • The single worst way to treat heartburn and why doing this can worsen the condition in the long run (page 47)
  • A simple 48-hour treatment to eliminate heartburn and indigestion (page 66)
  • 10 key nutritional foundations to get rid of heartburn for good (page 77)
  • The Heartburn No More 2-Day Quick Results Mini Program - Follow it and watch as all those uncomfortable heartburn symptoms disappear virtually overnight! (page 60)
  • Why a combination of 3 herbs will restore the body's immune system and quickly reduce heartburn (page 102)
  • The most potent method of rebuilding your organs of elimination - this step alone has helped thousands of people around the world eliminate their heartburn and prevent it from recurring in the future (page 111)
  • How to eradicate the most harmful microorganism inside the body that pollutes the blood and stresses the internal system (page 140)
  • The truth about parasites, indigestion and heartburn... and how to eliminate these harmful creatures using a proven, proven 7-day routine (page 138)
  • An ancient Indian system to permanently fix the internal environment of the body so heartburn never returns (page 192)

How Is This Different To Other Resources & Solutions?

Other resources and websites provide general tips that are not thoroughly researched or scientifically proven. Whereas, my system was developed after 11 years of study, trial, error and experimentation. Thousands of dollars were spent and countless heartburn-sufferers were consulted with.

What I found is that heartburn is a complex issue and not caused by just one single factor. Instead, it can be triggered by a number of different things. That's why it must be tackled in multiple ways. This is what the Heartburn No More™ system will show you; the different steps you must take, and in exactly what order, to uncover the root cause of heartburn naturally and eliminate it for good.

Moreover, I do not recommend medication or over-the-counters of any kind. I have tried them in the past and so have many of my clients. Although medication such as Antacids and PPIs can provide some temporary relief, they often make the heartburn worse in the long run. Not only that, but these medications can lead to more serious conditions such as high blood pressure, Alzheimer's and even cancer. The great thing about the Heartburn No More™ program is once somebody has gone through it and applied the steps, they can finally break-free from the costly medication trap.

Who Is This Program For?

This program is for anyone with heartburn no matter how mild or severe. People with light heartburn should get this to identify the root cause of their heartburn because if it's not addressed in time, it will develop into something more serious and painful. As a matter of fact, the Heartburn No More 2-Day Quick Results Mini Program on page 60 is ideal for people with mild heartburn symptoms.

People with severe heartburn... well they don't need any convincing. This group have most likely tried everything to cure it, yet are no better-off than when they first started. This never-ending cycle of trying one method after another can end today because the Heartburn No More™ system is a proven process for getting rid of heartburn for good - backed by years of positive results and feedback from ex heartburn sufferers.

Even people without heartburn can still benefit from this program because it's a total health restoration program. Many of my clients have told me that my system has helped them cure other digestive disorders too such as IBS, Leaky Gut, Bloating, Chronic Constipation, Hiatal Hernia, Yeast Infection and Candida Albicans overgrowth. You can see some of their real-life feedback in the testimonial section below.

Helped Over 154,000 People In 157 Countries Permanently Get Rid Of Heartburn!

How Is This Different To Other Resources & Solutions?

Other resources and websites provide general tips that are not thoroughly researched nor scientifically proven. Whereas, my system was developed after 11 years of study, trial, error and experimentation. Many thousands of dollars were spent and countless people with heartburn were interviewed. What I found is that heartburn is very rarely caused by one factor. Instead, it can be triggered by a number of different things. That's why you have to tackle it in a multitude of ways. This is what the Heartburn No More™ system will show you; the different steps you must take, and in what order, to uncover the root cause of heartburn and eliminate it for good.

Moreover, I do not recommend medication or over-the-counters of any kind. Although medication such as Antacids and PPIs can provide some temporary relief, they often make the heartburn worse in the long run. Not only that, but these medications can lead to more serious conditions such as high blood pressure, Alzheimer's and even cancer.

Other resources and websites provide general tips that are not thoroughly researched or scientifically proven. Whereas, my system was developed after 11 years of study, trial, error and experimentation. Thousands of dollars were spent and countless heartburn-sufferers were consulted with.

What I found is that heartburn is a complex issue and not caused by just one single factor. Instead, it can be triggered by a number of different things. That's why it must be tackled in multiple ways. This is what the Heartburn No More™ system will show you; the different steps you must take, and in exactly what order, to uncover the root cause of heartburn naturally and eliminate it for good.

Moreover, I do not recommend medication or over-the-counters of any kind. I have tried them in the past and so have many of my clients. Although medication such as Antacids and PPIs can provide some temporary relief, they often make the heartburn worse in the long run. Not only that, but these medications can lead to more serious conditions such as high blood pressure, Alzheimer's and even cancer. The great thing about the Heartburn No More™ program is once somebody has gone through it and applied the steps, they can finally break-free from the costly medication trap. 

Who Is This Program For?

This program is for anyone with heartburn no matter how mild or severe. People with light heartburn should get this to identify the root cause of their heartburn because if it's not address in time, it will develop into something more serious and painful. As a matter of fact, the Heartburn No More 2-Day Quick Results Mini Program on page 60 is ideal for people with mild heartburn symptoms.

People with severe heartburn... well they don't need any convincing. This group have most likely tried everything to cure it, yet are no better-off than when they first started. This never-ending cycle of trying one method after another can end today because the Heartburn No More™ system is a proven process for getting rid of heartburn for good - backed by years of positive results and feedback from ex heartburn sufferers.

Even people without heartburn can still benefit from this program because it's a total health restoration program. Many of my clients have told me that my system has helped them cure other digestive disorders too such as IBS, Leaky Gut, Bloating, Chronic Constipation, Hiatal Hernia, Yeast Infection and Candida Albicans overgrowth. You can see some of their real-life feedback in the testimonial section below.

Helped Over 154,000 People In 157 Countries Permanently Get Rid Of Heartburn!

"In less than 2 weeks, my chest pain and constant burning have gone!"

“I have tried several other natural remedies prior to reading your book but they all offered nothing but temporary relief. I knew quick fixes, even the natural ones were not the solution so reading your book only reaffirmed my feelings. I must say your program not only makes sense, it's a real godsend. In less than 2 weeks, my chest pain and constant burning have gone! Not only that, I can't really remember when I have experienced such a profound sense of clarity and well-being. I have become a lot more regular and energetic, my sleep is fantastic and I look and feel fabulous. I have also emptied my medicine cabinet from all the chemical junk I was putting in my body."

- Roger Molina (New York, U.S.A.)

"In less than 2 weeks, my chest pain and constant burning have gone!"

“I have tried several other natural remedies prior to reading your book but they all offered nothing but temporary relief. I knew quick fixes, even the natural ones were not the solution so reading your book only reaffirmed my feelings. I must say your program not only makes sense, it's a real godsend. In less than 2 weeks, my chest pain and constant burning have gone! Not only that, I can't really remember when I have experienced such a profound sense of clarity and well-being. I have become a lot more regular and energetic, my sleep is fantastic and I look and feel fabulous. I have also emptied my medicine cabinet from all the chemical junk I was putting in my body."

- Roger Molina (New York, U.S.A.)

"I will definitely recommend your book to anyone with digestive disorders and chronic heartburn."

“I'm only 3 weeks into the Heartburn No More™ program and by following the principals in your book I am already experiencing significant relief in my heartburn. I have been battling with heartburn, food intolerance and leaky gut for 7 years and I am so thankful for the invaluable knowledge I have received from your book. It has helped me tremendously with other digestive problems I've had as well and all naturally without the use of conventional medication. I will definitely recommend your book to anyone with digestive disorders and chronic heartburn.”

- Greg Nicotero (Cambridge, UK)

"I will definitely recommend your book to anyone with digestive disorders and chronic heartburn."

“I'm only 3 weeks into the Heartburn No More™ program and by following the principals in your book I am already experiencing significant relief in my heartburn. I have been battling with heartburn, food intolerance and leaky gut for 7 years and I am so thankful for the invaluable knowledge I have received from your book. It has helped me tremendously with other digestive problems I've had as well and all naturally without the use of conventional medication. I will definitely recommend your book to anyone with digestive disorders and chronic heartburn.”

- Greg Nicotero (Cambridge, UK)

"The most informative and practical guide on the subject of heartburn that I have ever read."

“This book is probably the most informative and practical guide on the subject of heartburn that I have ever read. Following the step-by-step program in your book has proved one thing: the natural way works and has longer lasting effects than any conventional method. It's been a month since I started applying the program and my heartburn has vanished. I no longer have any use for those antacids of PPIs. This is truly remarkable. Thank you!"

- Jacqueline Dimmig (Finland)

"The most informative and practical guide on the subject of heartburn that I have ever read."

“This book is probably the most informative and practical guide on the subject of heartburn that I have ever read. Following the step-by-step program in your book has proved one thing: the natural way works and has longer lasting effects than any conventional method. It's been a month since I started applying the program and my heartburn has vanished. I no longer have any use for those antacids of PPIs. This is truly remarkable. Thank you!"

- Jacqueline Dimmig (Finland)

"In approx 20 days since I started applying the cleansing principals in your book, my heartburn was completely gone."

“I used to be hooked on junk food, Tums and Pepto Bismol. I had suffered badly from severe heartburn, chest pains and bloating for many years. Your book and the holistic approach sounded very appealing and since I had nothing to lose, I bought your book and followed your program to the tee. I was really blown away by the fact that in approx 20 days since I started applying the cleansing principals in your book, my heartburn was completely gone. The burning sensation, the chest pain, the bloating and the constant burping have completely disappeared. Thanks for everything!”

- Karyn Thompson (New Zealand)

"In approx 20 days since I started applying the cleansing principals in your book, my heartburn was completely gone."

“I used to be hooked on junk food, Tums and Pepto Bismol. I had suffered badly from severe heartburn, chest pains and bloating for many years. Your book and the holistic approach sounded very appealing and since I had nothing to lose, I bought your book and followed your program to the tee. I was really blown away by the fact that in approx 20 days since I started applying the cleansing principals in your book, my heartburn was completely gone. The burning sensation, the chest pain, the bloating and the constant burping have completely disappeared. Thanks for everything!”

- Karyn Thompson (New Zealand)

"I no longer suffer from acid reflux, heartburn, gas or constipation"

“I have suffered from bloating and acid reflux for years, including candida infections and IBS. Since I've bought your book and carefully went through all the 5 steps, I was finally able to kiss those horrible symptoms goodbye. I no longer suffer from acid reflux, heartburn, gas or constipation. I am also maintaining the healthy dietary principals in the book and so far with great success. Thank you!”

- David Keane (Manitoba, Canada)

"I no longer suffer from acid reflux, heartburn, gas or constipation"

“I have suffered from bloating and acid reflux for years, including candida infections and IBS. Since I've bought your book and carefully went through all the 5 steps, I was finally able to kiss those horrible symptoms goodbye. I no longer suffer from acid reflux, heartburn, gas or constipation. I am also maintaining the healthy dietary principals in the book and so far with great success. Thank you!”

- David Keane (Manitoba, Canada)

"In less than 10 days, the acid reflux that was driving me insane for so long... had dramatically decreased"

“When my doctor told me I had GERD, he said it was a condition I would have to live with for the rest of my life. Luckily I stumbled upon your website and ordered your book. I was so fascinated by the whole holistic approach and I immediately started the first step. I was thrilled to find out that in less than 10 days, the acid reflux that was driving me insane for so long... had dramatically decreased and my condition is still improving. No more Tums and sleepless nights for me. Thank you so much!”

- Bob Lubin (Victoria, Australia)

"In less than 10 days, the acid reflux that was driving me insane for so long... had dramatically decreased"

“When my doctor told me I had GERD, he said it was a condition I would have to live with for the rest of my life. Luckily I stumbled upon your website and ordered your book. I was so fascinated by the whole holistic approach and I immediately started the first step. I was thrilled to find out that in less than 10 days, the acid reflux that was driving me insane for so long... had dramatically decreased and my condition is still improving. No more Tums and sleepless nights for me. Thank you so much!”

- Bob Lubin (Victoria, Australia)

"I experience no gas, burping or chest pain anymore and I sleep like a baby lol."

“I have been a heartburn sufferer for years and I always thought that taking antacids was going to be a part of my daily routine since I was told by several doctors that there was no cure for heartburn. I'm so glad they were all wrong! I have followed your preliminary heartburn relief treatment and the improvement was remarkable. What really surprised me was that, in less than a month, all my heartburn symptoms were eliminated. I experience no gas, burping or chest pain anymore and I sleep like a baby lol. Thank you for your help…"

- Erica Fowler (South Yarra, Australia)

"I experience no gas, burping or chest pain anymore and I sleep like a baby lol."

“I have been a heartburn sufferer for years and I always thought that taking antacids was going to be a part of my daily routine since I was told by several doctors that there was no cure for heartburn. I'm so glad they were all wrong! I have followed your preliminary heartburn relief treatment and the improvement was remarkable. What really surprised me was that, in less than a month, all my heartburn symptoms were eliminated. I experience no gas, burping or chest pain anymore and I sleep like a baby lol. Thank you for your help…"

- Erica Fowler (South Yarra, Australia)

"I felt a significant improvement and in such a short time too. I was always so skeptical about the all-natural approach but you made me a believer."

“I bought your book 2 weeks ago after suffering from acid reflux for more than 12 years. I have taken every antacid and over the counter you can think of. I have also followed many specific anti-reflux diets but to no avail. Having read your book and realizing that most G.I. disorders are triggered by Candida Albicans, I immediately started applying the principals in the book, including the anti-yeast diet, cleansing and herbal guidelines... and for the first time in more than a decade, I felt a significant improvement and in such a short time too. I was always so skeptical about the all-natural approach but you made me a believer. As we speak, I feel awesome and at the peak of my health. I have never felt so vigor and alive. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. If I can do it, anyone can…"

- Chris Fielding (Rhode Island, USA)

"I felt a significant improvement and in such a short time too. I was always so skeptical about the all-natural approach but you made me a believer."

“I bought your book 2 weeks ago after suffering from acid reflux for more than 12 years. I have taken every antacid and over the counter you can think of. I have also followed many specific anti-reflux diets but to no avail. Having read your book and realizing that most G.I. disorders are triggered by Candida Albicans, I immediately started applying the principals in the book, including the anti-yeast diet, cleansing and herbal guidelines... and for the first time in more than a decade, I felt a significant improvement and in such a short time too. I was always so skeptical about the all-natural approach but you made me a believer. As we speak, I feel awesome and at the peak of my health. I have never felt so vigor and alive. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. If I can do it, anyone can…"

- Chris Fielding (Rhode Island, USA)

"Not only has your program given me long-lasting relief from heartburn, but it has saved me potentially thousands of dollars in useless meds"

"I'm so glad I came across your program because it tells you exactly where the root cause of the heartburn lies. In fact, after following the tip you gave on page 77 of your book, almost all my heartburn symptoms had disappeared within a couple of weeks. It was amazing. Nowadays, I very rarely experience heartburn and I can eat literally anything without worrying about what it will do to my body. Thank you so much. Not only has your program given me long-lasting relief from heartburn, but it has saved me potentially thousands of dollars in useless meds, as well as the long-term damage and regret of going down this route."

- Jay Garcia (London, UK)

"Not only has your program given me long-lasting relief from heartburn, but it has saved me potentially thousands of dollars in useless meds"

"I'm so glad I came across your program because it tells you exactly where the root cause of the heartburn lies. In fact, after following the tip you gave on page 77 of your book, almost all my heartburn symptoms had disappeared within a couple of weeks. It was amazing. Nowadays, I very rarely experience heartburn and I can eat literally anything without worrying about what it will do to my body. Thank you so much. Not only has your program given me long-lasting relief from heartburn, but it has saved me potentially thousands of dollars in useless meds, as well as the long-term damage and regret of going down this route.

- Jay Garcia (London, UK)
Disclaimer: These testimonials reflect real life experiences of individuals who have used our program in some way or another. However, they are individual results and results do vary. We do not claim that they are typical results that consumers will generally achieve. The testimonials are not necessarily representative of all of those who will use our program.

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How and When to Be Your Own Doctor is a very informative guide that deals with the theories of naturopaths versus conventional wisdom. The book shows how most of what we’re taught about modern medicine and health habits is incorrect. The book is loaded with true-life examples, personal experiences and ideas on how to implement and follow an optimal diet. A professional hygienist wrote the book.

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BONUS #4: The Definitive Guide To Managing Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Discover how to overcome IBS naturally and get access to the most effective treatments & therapies.

Value: $37

BONUS #5 Free Lifetime Updates

BONUS #5 Free Lifetime Updates

This program is very effective and contains a proven way to eliminate heartburn. Order now and you will get all future bonus reports for life for FREE! That is one of the awesome benefits of e-books. If a new edition of a hard copy book is released, you have to go to the bookstore or Amazon and buy it all over again! Not so with ebooks. When a new, updated edition of Heartburn No More™ is released, you get it for FREE! It's easy - I will simply contact you through my private clients-only email list and send you instant download instructions so you can stay totally up to date on the latest anti-heartburn breakthroughs.

Value: $27
This program is very effective and contains a proven way to eliminate heartburn. Order now and you will get all future bonus reports for life for FREE! That is one of the awesome benefits of e-books. If a new edition of a hard copy book is released, you have to go to the bookstore or Amazon and buy it all over again! Not so with ebooks. When a new, updated edition of Heartburn No More™ is released, you get it for FREE! It's easy - I will simply contact you through my private clients-only email list and send you instant download instructions so you can stay totally up to date on the latest anti-heartburn breakthroughs.

Value: $27

BONUS #6: Free One-On-One Counseling With The Founder, Jeff Martin, For 3 Months (LIMITED TIME ONLY!)

BONUS #6: Free One-On-One Counseling With The Founder, Jeff Martin, For 3 Months (LIMITED TIME ONLY!)

Yes, free private, counseling advice and guidance from an ex-heartburn sufferer and certified nutritionist are always just an email away. If at any time you feel confused, you can have your most difficult questions privately answered. Just email me. I promise you'll get an answer in 24 hours. Most other programs will charge hundreds of dollars for one-on-one email consultations or won't provide any support at all. I will literally hold your hand and personally make sure that you are doing everything properly and efficiently. This help is practically priceless and will NOT be offered forever so take advantage of it right now!

Value: $700
Yes, free private, counseling advice and guidance from an ex-heartburn sufferer and certified nutritionist are always just an email away. If at any time you feel confused, you can have your most difficult questions privately answered. Just email me. I promise you'll get an answer in 24 hours. Most other programs will charge hundreds of dollars for one-on-one email consultations or won't provide any support at all. I will literally hold your hand and personally make sure that you are doing everything properly and efficiently. This help is practically priceless and will NOT be offered forever so take advantage of it right now! 

Value: $700

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Value: $47

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This guide explains what intermittent fasting is and how to incorporate it into your current daily lifestyle. It is ideal for people who want to burn stubborn body fat, achieve rapid weight loss and improve overall health & well-being. The best part about this program is it doesn't involve a strict diet plan or exercise routine... and eating junk food is still allowed!

Value: $47

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A simple 3-step guide to treating and preventing Candida infections naturally. Finally put an end to that irritating thrush in the mouth and/or down below.

Value: $27

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A simple 3-step guide to treating and preventing Candida infections naturally. Finally put an end to that irritating thrush in the mouth and/or down below.

Value: $27

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EXCLUSIVE BONUS #9: The Perfect Vision Protocol

A unique step-by-step protocol to naturally and safely restore 20-20 vision in as little as 14 days. This unusual yet powerful method has already been used by over 34,000 people to restore their perfect, crystal-clear vision. Throw away those irritating glasses and contact lenses, and say goodbye to those expensive trips to the opticians. This is the guide the eye-care industry did not want anyone to know about.

Value: $55.95

100% Money Back Guarantee!

100% Money Back Guarantee!

The Heartburn No More program comes with a full 60 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with the program for any reason, simply send us an email within 60 days and we'll give you a full refund. No questions asked. 

We will even let you keep the main Heartburn No More manual as well as all the bonus ebooks (worth $763.80) just for giving it a try. That means you have absolutely nothing to lose yet a whole new, heartburn (and medication) free lifestyle to gain.
The Heartburn No More program comes with a full 60 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with the program for any reason, simply send us an email within 60 days and we'll give you a full refund. No questions asked. 

We will even let you keep the main Heartburn No More manual as well as all the bonus ebooks (worth $763.80) just for giving it a try. That means you have absolutely nothing to lose yet a whole new, heartburn (and medication) free lifestyle to gain.

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Click The Button Below To Download Your Copy Of The Heartburn No More Program Now & Save 95% Of The Retail Price!



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  • How and When to Be Your Own Doctor 
  • The Healing Power Of Water 
  • The Definitive Guide To Managing IBS
  • Lifetime Updates 
  • One-On-One Counseling With The Founder For 3 Months
  • Exclusive Bonus 1: The Intermittent Fasting Formula
  • Exclusive Bonus 2: Stop Candida
  • Exclusive Bonus 3: The Perfect Vision Protocol
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3 Exclusive Bonuses

Not Available Anywhere Else!

  • The Heartburn No More Program ($497)
  • The Complete Handbook of Nature's Cures ($39.95)
  • How and When to Be Your Own Doctor ($29.95)
  • The Healing Power Of Water ($29.95)
  • The Definitive Guide To Managing IBS ($37)
  • Lifetime Updates ($27)
  • One-On-One Counseling With The Founder For 3 Months ($700)
  • Exclusive Bonus 1: The Intermittent Fasting Formula For Rapid Weight Loss ($47)
  • Exclusive Bonus 2: Stop Candida: A Guide To Ending Candida Infections ($27)
  • Exclusive Bonus 3: The Perfect Vision Protocol ($55.95)

"Thank you so much. Not only has your program given me long-lasting relief from heartburn, but it has saved me potentially thousands of dollars in useless meds, as well as the long-term damage and regret of going down this route."

- Jay Garcia (London, UK)

"Thank you so much. Not only has your program given me long-lasting relief from heartburn, but it has saved me potentially thousands of dollars in useless meds, as well as the long-term damage and regret of going down this route."

- Jay Garcia (London, UK)
Regular Price $1,480.80
Today Only $47
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